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Christian Life at Westminster

Westminster is an inclusive Christian School. Here, you will find individuals from across the theological spectrum of Christianity as well as the theological spectrum of other faiths. It is a community of people who believe differently, worship differently, and think differently–and that’s on purpose. Our Christian commitment inspires us to love and to serve and to welcome all in an inclusive, supportive community.

Our Christian Traditions

Celebrations of the Christian faith play an important role in the student experience. Our community comes together to observe, celebrate, and learn about the Christian tradition—from beloved Christmas performances of Handel’s Messiah and the Lower School Christmas Pageant to our schoolwide Christian Emphasis Week in honor of Holy Week.

During Christian Emphasis Week, Lower School students partake in the flowering of the Cross.

Upper School's Easter Service

Lower School's Thanksgiving Service

Upper School students gather for a time of reflection during Christian Emphasis Week.

Middle School students enjoy community time during Christian Emphasis Week.

Lower School's assembly during Christian Emphasis Week is filled with prayer, song, and reflections.

At the beginning of each school year, the incoming freshman class is led in prayer by our Upper School Chaplain at the Blessing of the Backpacks ceremony on Pressly Plaza.

Middle School students praying during their Thanksgiving Assembly.

A Community of Faith

Our beloved annual Christian traditions unite our community, giving all a moment to pause and reflect.

Christian Education and Study

Christian theology and values are incorporated into the curriculum of each division, with some courses being required and others optional. Students also have the opportunity to participate in faith-based activities such as Bible study groups to Christian-centered clubs.

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Our Christian Roots

While Westminster has historic roots in both the North Avenue Presbyterian School and Washington Seminary, it has distinguished itself from covenant, denominational, parish, and parochial schools since its founding.

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