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Class News Submissions


Do you have exciting news to share with the Westminster community? Have you recently taken a trip, celebrated a milestone bday, reunited with a classmate, received a new degree, written a book, welcomed a child, taken marriage vows, or do you have another accomplishment to share? Tell us about it! We'd love to include your news in the next issue of Westminster Magazine.

  • The deadline for the fall/winter 2024-25 magazine was JULY 26, 2024.


  • We are currently accepting news for the 2025 spring/summer issue of the Westminster Magazine!  The deadline will be January 1, 2025.


  • Please complete the relevant fields below. Be sure to click "submit" after you have entered your information.

    Note that the following categories must be reported firsthand: Class News, Births and Adoptions, and Marriages.

We accept and appreciate In Memoriam entries from family and friends of the deceased as well as the community at large. If you would like to specify your connection, please do so in additional notes/comments.

Please limit all submissions to no more than 100 words and submit your class news in the third person (e.g., "Jane Wildcat recently published..."). We reserve the right to fact-check and edit class news keeping with the School's editorial guide. 

***To submit high-resolution photos, upload them using this form.

Email with any questions. We are here for you! Go Cats!

Name of person submitting newsrequired
First Name
Maiden (optional)
Last Name
If not an alum, indicate "faculty" or "staff" above.
Name of spouse/partner
First Name
Last Name
Type of News
Class News
Class news must come firsthand from the graduates who have news, a birth or adoption, or a marriage or union to report. We welcome news that is no more than one year old. Please limit submissions to no more than 100 words and submit your class news in third person (e.g., “Jane Wildcat recently published…”). We reserve the right to fact-check and edit class notes in keeping with the School’s editorial style.
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 15MB
No file chosen

Birth and/or adoption announcements must include the child’s full name, date of birth, and the names of both parents.  

Ex: Elizabeth Anne Smith, August 8, 2021, daughter of Alice Long Smith ’04 and David Smith

Please upload a photo through the form below.



Choose one:required
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Are both parents Westminster alums?required
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
Allowed file types: Image

Wedding announcements must include the day, month, and year you were married; your spouse’s first and last name; and, if also an alum, your spouse’s class year.

Please upload a photo using the form below.

Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Spouse/Partner's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
Allowed file types: Image
In Memoriam

In memoriam submissions must include the deceased’s full name, year of graduation (if applicable), date of death, and surviving immediate family members who are alumni. Please only list parents, children, and spouses of the deceased. We regret that we cannot include grandparents, grandchildren, in-laws, aunts, uncles, or other relations. 
Full Name of Deceasedrequired
Prefix (optional)
First Name
Nickname (optional)
Middle (optional)
Maiden (optional)
Last Name
Suffix (optional)
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Please note if they attended North Avenue Presbyterian, Washington Seminary, or Westminster