Capital Giving
Capital giving is characterized by its transformative nature. Donors who make contributions to advance the strategic priorities of the School become a permanent part of the Westminster experience. From supporting critical building and renovation projects to establishing endowment funds for priorities such as financial aid, faculty support, and curricular exploration and enhancement, capital commitments ensure that the Westminster experience endures generation to generation.
The Westminster Endowment
Our most critical strategic asset, The Westminster Endowment is comprised of nearly 200 individual funds, each one a gift to the School from those deeply committed to Westminster’s mission and purpose. The Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees carefully manages these funds to meet current operational needs while protecting the gift of a Westminster education for generations to come.
Impact of the Endowment
The Westminster Endowment is one of the School's most critical strategic assets. Endowment donors—past, present, and future—make a lasting difference for students.
Tuition covers only 73% of the cost of a Westminster education. Philanthropy bridges the gap.
Endowment income supports 16% of the annual operating budget.
265 bright, talented students are afforded access to a Westminster education through financial aid awards totaling $4.2 million annually.
With a gift of $50,000, donors may establish a named, unrestricted endowment fund. Contributions of $100,000 enable donors to name and direct a fund to a specific school priority and donor interest.
The Westminster Endowment has grown over 31% in 20 years thanks to prudent management and continued philanthropic investments.
The Westminster Endowment is comprised of more than 200 individual funds, making 52% of the Endowment restricted per donor discretion. Income from the remaining unrestricted 48% is directed and allocated by the Board of Trustees and the President.